

The CCMA uses different ways to communicate details of efforts to reduce the standard securities settlement from T+2 to T+1. One is announcements; another – CCMA-, or CCMA-partner co-authored, articles, and a third is the CCMA’s bimonthly newsletter, Time to Talk T+1. We also include select material of particular relevance created by other parties. To be added to our publications list to receive any CCMA announcement or newsletter, please e-mail us.

The CCMA also publishes announcements and articles, sometimes written with or for other partner associations, which also can be found below.

October 31, 2024: CCMA T+1 Post-Implementation Report

CCMA Announcements

Note:  On May 27, 2024, Canadian capital markets successfully adopted a shorter T+1 standard security settlement time, so alas, further announcements, newsletters and bulletins are ceasing. Here is our final update and thanks to all who participated, including counterparts at Sifma, ICI, DTCC, as well as Argentina, Jamaica, Mexico, and Peru.

CCMA Newsletters and Bulletins

CCMA & Partner Articles

  • 29 mai 2023 : Article CASLA/CCMA – Mise à jour – Les prêts sur titres dans un monde T+1
  • May 2, 2023:  CASLA/CCMA Article – Securities Lending Moving to T+1 in Canada
  • April 25, 2023: ACPM/CCMA Article – It Takes Three to (do the T+1 settlement) Tango
  • 25 avril 2023 :  ACPM/CCMA Article – Il faut être trois pour (passer au règlement T+1) danser le tango
  • November 1, 2022: ACPM/CCMA ArticleAnd then there was 1… T+1, The Observer, Association of Canadian Pension Management (ACPM)
  • 1 novembre 2022 : ACPM/CCMA Article – « Et T+1 fut! », L’Observateur, l’Association canadienne des administrateurs de régimes de retraite (ACARR)

Other T+1-related Newsletters and Articles

  • September 12, 2022:  The best solution to the complex transition may be flexibility, Investment Executive, Paul Bourque, IFIC
  • September 2022:  T+1 Settlement Efforts:  Canadian Outlook and Considerations (CIBC Mellon)
  • December 20, 2021:  Op Ed – IIAC and Members Working with CCMA towards T+1 (Investment Executive)
  • November 9, 2021: Article – Implications for T+1 in Europe (DTCC summary of panel discussion at Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME) European Post-Trade conference)
  • October 2021:  Article – Update on T+1 Settlement Efforts in the U.S.: Canadian Outlook and Considerations (CIBCMellon)
  • August 17, 2021:  Article – U.S industry plots move to T+1; Canada is also considering a move to the shorter settlement cycle
  • June 21, 2021:  Bulletin – Canada’s Transition to T+1 (CDS)
  • April 30, 2021:  Article – Contemplating T+1 for Canada – As the U.S. industry considers shorter settlement, the CCMA ponders it too

T+2 Publications (2015-2018)