Keith Evans, CCMA Executive Director, a guest T+1 contributor to FTF Bull Run blog
Keith Evans was asked to provide a guest blog on T+1 in Canada. In the latest FTF Bull Run Blog, Keith discusses why T+1 testing in Canada starts later than in the U.S. and uses football analogies to help us understand why. FTF says it’s a must-read!
Global Custodian: Canada Affirms Switch to T+1 with the U.S.
Canada affirms aligned switch to T+1 with US
Following some miscommunication around potentially split transition dates, the CCMA confirms to Global Custodian the Canadian market will move to the shortened settlement cycle on the same day as the US.
Asset Servicing Times: Canada/U.S. capital markets will move together to T+1
CCMA reaffirms Canadian market’s commitment to T+1 implementation date
The Canadian Capital Markets Association has restated that Canada will reduce its standard securities clearing and settlement cycle to T+1 on the same date as the US
Investment Executive: SEC Opts for Early Move to T+1
SEC rejects industry call for Labour Day 2024 transition. All industry associations that responded from the U.S., Europe, and Canada strongly advocated for a common three-day weekend.
“Oh my” is right, and don’t drop the ball!
Read James Langton’s June 13 Investment Executive article about T+1 (and other) projects the Canadian capital markets will be juggling for the next two years.
Contemplating T+1 for Canada: As the U.S. industry considers shorter settlement, the CCMA ponders it too
Article by James Langton, Investment Executive, published April 30, 2021