Technical Info / Info technique
- CCMA T+1 Post-Implementation Report (October 31, 2024)
Issue Logs / Registre d’enjeux
- Operations Working Group Issue Log: As of April 15, 2024
- Mutual Funds Working Group Issue Log: As of February 2023
Asset List
- October 31, 2023: Latest (v.3) CCMA T+1 Asset List (v.3) / (Version française à suivre)
- January 31, 2023: Latest CCMA T+1 Asset List v.2 / 31 janvier 2023 : Mise à jour de la liste des actifs T+1 v.2
Companies Declaring Funds Moving to T+1
- April 29, 2024: UPDATED – Funds moving T+2 fund and related investment products to T+1 on May 27, 2024 responding to CCMA/CCMA survey regarding fund and related investments not covered by National Instrument 24-101 that are moving to T+1. Please read the included explanatory notes and caveats carefully before using this information.
- April 24, 2024: Funds moving T+2 fund and related investment products to T+1 on May 27, 2024. Please read the included explanatory notes and caveats carefully before using this information.
- Note: Firms that offer mutual, pooled, or segregated funds, or structured products such as principle-protected or non-principle-protected notes (PPNs and NPPNs), whether processed through Fundserv, within their own firm, or in another fashion, are requested (if they have not already done so) to please complete (or provide updated answers to) this survey (in English or French) to help advise dealers, advisors, and independent investors, on a timely basis, of what will be moving to a shorter settlement cycle on May 27, 2024 and what will not.
Other Documentation
- September 26, 2023: Securities Loan Recall Timing (FAQ) / 26 septembre 2023 : Délais de rappel de prêts de titres
- September 26, 2023: Derivatives (documentation, processing, ‘in flight transactions) / 26 septembre 2023 : Produits dérives (documentation, traitement transactions en cour
- August 31, 2023: CCMA T+1 Technical Readiness Update / 31 août 2023 : Mise à jour de l’ACMC sur la préparation technique de T+1
- July 13, 2023: ETF Task Force Report
- June 30, 2023: CCMA +1 Technical Readiness Update / 30 juin 2023 : Mise à jour de l‘ACMC sur preparation technique T+1
- June 29, 2023: Buyside Task Force Recommendations (T1SC-approved June 27, 2023)
- June 29, 2023: Migration to T+1 Settlement – Key areas of focus and FX considerations (May 16, 2023)
- June 28, 2023: Fundserv T+1 Milestones / 28 juin 2023 : Étapes de transition vers le cycle à T+1
- May 30, 2023: Updated Recommended T+1 ITP Processing Timing (v. 3)
- 30 mai 2023 : Recommandations mis à jour des modifications T+1 apportées au cycle de traitement de la CDS
- April 5, 2023: CDS Documentation – T+1 Industry Test Plan Approach
- 5 avril 2023 : Documentation CDS – Plan de mise à l’essai sectorielle pour le règlement à un jour : approche
- January 31, 2023: Updated CCMA T+1 Asset List (v. 2) Note: under further revision
- 31 janvier 2023 : Mise à jour de la liste des actifs T+1 (v. 2) À noter : en cours de révision
- December 1, 2022: CDS Migration to T+1 (Analysis of Business Requirements)
- 1 décembre 2022 : CDS Migration vers le cycle de règlement à un jour (Analyse des exigences)
- CDS Institutional Trade Processing (ITP) Statistics
- Settlement cycle of Canadian investment funds (to find the latest information on mutual fund settlement dates, follow the following instructions)
- Open Fundserv Fund Profiles.
- In search box Product Type, enter Note.
- Export results to CSV (enter contact details if prompted); save as Excel file.
- Scroll right to find Product Type (Column G) and Settlement Date (Column K – T+1, T+2, T+3, Custom)
- Sort as desired by product type and settlement period
Other Information Sources / Autres sources d’information